Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Does music play a central role in the Goth scene Essay

Does music play a central role in the Goth scene - Essay Example Elsewhere goth is described in terms of an identity that is counter-culture and goes against the grain of popular society. It chooses deliberately to be unpopular and to go its own way in terms of self-development, fashion, music, and other key lifestyle aspects, including the choice of friends and activities (Urban Dictionary 2014; Williams 2006). Meanwhile, from the point of view of the rest of society, goth, the goth scene, and goth subculture tend towards the fringe and dark side of things. This is the case in fashion and in elements of popular culture such as music. That said, the mainstream seems to have mixed reactions towards Goth, with many seeing goth as a benign and a valid way for teenagers and disaffected youth to define themselves and their group (Gold and Cuda 1999). While simple definitions abound, modern day contexts for Goth and the Goth scene seem to indicate that Goth identity and the elements of Goth are fluid and are continuously evolving. There is the assertion in Daniel and Desantis (2013) that Goth as a movement of counterculture owes its staying power to the lasting appeal of its aesthetic, which is not death but persistent non-death. Goth seems to thrive by going against the mainstream. The emphasis is ongoing against what mainstream society prescribes in terms of activities, what to do, and fashion, what to wear, among other things. Moodiness and an inclination towards the dark and lonely side of things is a pervasive emotional atmosphere. This moodiness is what outside society sees from the outside looking in. As subculture, meanwhile, Goth has within it elements relating to the free expression of sexuality, defining artifacts and features that include certain fashion and musical preferences as described above (Daniel and Desantis 2013; Fereday n.d.; Wilkins 2004; Hodkinson 2005; Tumblr 2014; Smith 1997). Music too comes up inevitably in discussions of Goth, as a key

Health and Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health and Culture - Essay Example A Culturally Appropriate Health Education Program on HIV/ AIDS for Africa Relationships and Expectations One of the most important features in an AIDs prevention campaign would be â€Å"the cultural, social and economic constraints on most African women’s ability to comply with advice to limit partners and use condoms† (Peltzer, 2001, p.171). Poverty and subordination of women are the root causes of women acquiring HIV/ AIDS. Males play the dominant role in sexual relations; hence health promotion campaigns to eliminate HIV/ AIDs should focus on addressing culturally related sexual beliefs and behaviors leading to the disease. In the prevailing traditional family groups, the empowerment of women is crucial to strengthen their position in decision making on life choices. Cultural Empowerment of the Target Group It is important to leverage culture to empower the target group. Interventions should stengthen the currently isolated traditional family systems by informally co nnecting them to the larger national community.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Napoleon and Snowball (Animal Farm) Essay Example for Free

Napoleon and Snowball (Animal Farm) Essay George Orwell’s Animal Farm is an allegorical novel that reflects events such as the Bolshevik revolution, the economic reform by Trotsky the Russian famine in 1921 and during the Stalin era before the Second World War. The pigs represent the communist leadership, and the rest of the animals on the farm symbolize the different parts of Russian society and how the communist takeover of Russia affected them. Two main characters, Snowball and Napoleon (who symbolize Trotsky and Stalin), engages in a political struggle, as both of them wanted to have the power to lead all of the animals. Although Napoleon wins the struggle in the end, Snowball’s political strategy is better than the corrupted leadership of Napoleon. Snowball cares more about the living condition of the animals. Compared to Napoleon, Snowball knows the meaning of â€Å"Animalism†, which is animals are equal and it should lead the animals to a better life. Snowball is interested in reading all kinds of books to enrich his scope of knowledge to make the animals work easier. For example, he declares the windmill idea from a book of the Jones. Also Snowball is very brave; he has studied the book of Julian Caesar and successfully led through the Battle of the Cowshed while Napoleon was hiding himself in the barn. Snowball has an intelligent and friendly character. Unlike Napoleon, Snowball never forces someone to agree with his ideas. Instead, he is good at explaining how his ideas work and persuades all the animals to believe and trust his ideas. Unlike Napoleon, Snowball does not need Squealer’s help, he can do the explaining part all by himself. Napoleon has his own ways to control other animals such as the dogs and Squealer but Snowball has different way which is the committees. Snowball seems to work better within the political system. Napoleon goes around it. Napoleon, for instance, he understands the role of force in political control and uses his attack dogs to expel Snowball from the farm. Napoleon seems to have a powerful, self-centered desire for control, while Snowball seems to think of himself as a genius who should be the one to guide the farm toward success. Snowball is the only one who knows the real meaning of â€Å"Animalism†, and he is putting out true effort to make the living standard of the animals better than before, and insists everyone is equal. After the expel of Mr. Jones, the Animal Farm is supposed to be democracy, all of the animals should decide how to do things together, any one animal to rise to greater power than any other would violate that ideal, and make Animal Farm indistinguishable from a human farm. On the other hand the only thing that Napoleon thinks about is how to gain more power and personal benefit from the farm. Snowball always comes up with some long-term plans and on the other hand Napoleon can only come up with some short-term plans. In conclusion, Snowball’s political strategy is better then the corrupted leadership of Napoleon.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Stakeholders Of Marks And Spencer Commerce Essay

Stakeholders Of Marks And Spencer Commerce Essay Marks and Spencer is an international retailer headquartered in London. It was formed in the year 1884 by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer in partnership. It mainly specializes in cloth lines and high end food products. The major product lines of the organization are womens wear, children wear, sportswear, baby wear, perfumes and cosmetics, food and beverages, home appliances and etc. The brand has over 703 stores in UK and around 361 stores throughout the globe. The company recorded an annual turnover of  £9,934.3 billion by the end of year 2011. The firms profit for the year 2012 was projected to be  £489.6 million (Aaker, 2007). A wide range of information is required by the key stakeholder groups, for instance, customers want to know about the various products that the company is offering them, discount options available, information about the after sales services and etc. Likewise, the shareholders are interested in getting details regarding their dividends plus companys financial reports (Kisielnicki, 2011). Similarly, the community wants to know the operational style of the retailer to ensure that it is not violating any law of the land like employee exploitation, any threat to the environment and etc. Its competitors like Tesco, ASDA wish to know about the sales figure of the company, its position in the market, to analyze their competitive positioning. Information required by stakeholders in different organizations Monitoring and evaluation comprises of analysis and collection of data. All the relevant parties at every level need information for their respective subjects. Project managers require information about the consequences of a specific project to plan control the projects in a better way. Almost every organization publishes reports to give information to its stakeholders (Lee-Kelley and Sankey, 2008). Systems used for communicating with the Marks Spencer stakeholders In Marks Spencer, communication is all about the transmission of information. The company has both internal as well as external communication. Internal communication exists within the business of the retail giant, whereas external communication is present outside the boundaries of business. Both internal and external communications have witnessed great transformation owing to the rapid developments in communication and information technology. The company boasts of: An interconnected system of internal communication- internal network. An e-commerce system for B2C connections. An e-commerce system for B2B connections. When all these links are integrated with each other, a networked economy is created, which has greatly increased the potential of the company to associate with its workforce, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. The internal communication, i.e. communication with employees, shareholders is carried out in three ways i.e. oral, written and electronic. Information is transmitted verbally via face to face interactions, voice mails and etc. Information is communicated in written form by issuing letters, memos, and annual reports. Electronic communication is quickly overtaking other forms. The company has integrated this system in effectively. For instance, the stock list is now easily transmitted electronically from the supermarket to the main office. Transmission of all documents also takes place via emails only (Report on the Business of Marks and Spencer, n.d). Marks and Spencer communicates with its external stakeholders like customers, community, government and etc. using external modes of communication. Its public relation function is a tool to effectively communicate its nice image to the concerned people. Websites, advertisements, promotional campaigns, business letters are some other methods through which the company communicates with its outside key stakeholders (Electronic Shareholder Communication, 2012). Barriers in workplace communication There are several barriers to effective communication in the organization. Some of them are listed below: Inefficient listening skills Poor listening results from: Passive and not active listening and involvement when a person is speaking. No involvement with the subject matter or the other person. Material distractions like excessive noise in the environment, bad network. Disparity in the opinion with the person who is speaking, which results in mentally shutting off the other person. Biasness also creeps in, when a person chooses to listen to only some part and ignore the rest of the part (Perry, 2009). Information overload Receiving a message that contains too much information also acts as a barrier to effective communication. The receiver is not able to correctly interpret or decipher the information because of too many facts. For instance, if the company has put up an advertisement regarding its new product or offer, and too much information has been put into it, then the customer wont be able to digest all of it (4 Barriers to Effective Communication What to Do About Them, 2011). Non-Verbal Gestures At times, it might happen that what a person is speaking is contradicted by his body language and gestures. When this happens, the other person is likely to remember what he saw and not what he heard. Assumptions Postulating literally sabotages effective communication. For example, when the marketing head of Marks Spencer sees that his subordinates are nodding, he assumes that they understand what he is trying to convey, but the case may be totally opposite as well (4 Barriers to Effective Communication What to Do About Them, 2011). Influence of culture and values on communication Every culture and every behavior involves the use of communication. Thus, communication can be said to be a transmitting medium for the ideas and values of different culture. Personalities of people, their respective values and understanding levels also influence communication (Hyde and Williamson, 2000). Cultural Individualism- Collectivism affects communication through cultural norms and values which are beneath the broad culture. This directly impacts communication by way of the characteristics that an individual learns when he/she socializes. For instance, the Americans display individualism, whereas, Asians display collectivism. As Marks Spencer offers its products to both these regions, the cultural differences in the two areas are to be thoroughly considered and accordingly plan its communication strategies (Abubaker, n.d). High as well as low context communication is followed in every culture throughout the globe. People following collectivism culture use high context communication while fostering group cohesion and communicate in a straightforward manner. People belonging to individualistic culture use low context messages and communicate in an indirect manner. Cultures which are of high uncertainty avoidance nature follow unambiguous customs and norms to direct behavior for all kinds of situations. On the other hand, cultures with low uncertainty avoidance tendency are quite ambiguous and lack formal strictness. Face negotiation theory is a theory concerning the behavior and discussion in conflicting situations of people following collectivism and individualism. This theory is very popular for cross culture communication (Stubbs, n.d). Marks Spencer gives a lot of emphasis to cultural disparities and tries to comprehend plus eliminate all such gaps. Some of the initiatives started by the company are- Cross Cultural exposure The Company sends its employees to other countries for a definite period of time to acquaint them with other cultures. The employees stay there, work in other retail outlets of Marks Spencer and learn about the cultures and values of that place (Alon, 2000). Training and Workshops The company provides training and conducts workshops to train its executives in handling of various cultural issues and problems. Hiring multinational and multi cultural employees The organizations aims at hiring people from different cultures and nationality to create a synthesis of various cultures. Cognitive Dissonance This theory states that people are highly motivated to avoid differences in opinions arising out cultural disparities. People generally ignore listening to perspectives that contradict their own, in order to avoid conflicts and disharmony (Morton, 2005). The use of technology- how it fosters and hinders communication It is an obvious fact that communication is the foundation of our society. The commencement of communication technology and its several benefits has made the conducting of business easier internationally. Cost Savings- Cost savings is the biggest advantage of the improvement of technology in business communication. Activities that once involved huge capital can now be finished off easily and in less time. For instance, prior to the commencement of Voice of Internet Protocol technology, making a long distance call was very costly. But, owing to VoIP and cellular telephone technology making calls has become very cheap. Similarly, earlier the only way to send letters from one place to another was to take the services of a messenger or postal service. The email, however, has eliminated the need to transport hard copies (Esmailzadeh, 2006). Speed- The new technology has also increased the speed at which business operations take place. This is especially beneficial to retail companies that have interaction with suppliers in far-away locations. For instance, previously they had to plan meetings for individuals who are in different locations. Now, they can contact one another, sitting at their respective places owing to the video conferencing techniques (Derr, 2002). Hiring of Qualified employees- Several jobs that never existed before have now been created. Skilled professionals are required to maintain, install and operate new information and communication technology tools. On the other hand, the same technology can also act as an impediment to the business communication: Impersonal Attitude Employees might view electronic communication as impersonal if they only receive messages from managers through email. It also creates confusion as this requires more feedback in comparison to personal communication methods. Security Issues The new technology also raises several security concerns. Emails, text messages and other website communication are often vulnerable to be hacked by hackers or other individuals who should not have any rightful access to information (Hoof and, 2005). High tech Equipment Expense The Company has to acquire new equipments to implement business communication technology in its operations. It also requires hiring a person who is capable of handling maintenance issues. This is an additional cost to the company (Wood, 2010). Difficulty Training Employees Retail companies face difficulty training employees about how to make use of the latest technology. They may have a difficult time making them understand the technology and how it work. The company might require shelling out a large sum of money on employee training (Miller, 2011). The procedure of communication from sender to receiver: Encoder: There should be a sender who wants s to communicate the idea. Message: A message can be in various forms verbal, non verbal, written, and electronic. Channel:Messages  are  conveyed  through  channels,  with  non ­verbal  Ã‚  verbal  social  interactions like televisions, telephone, meetings, conferences etc. Decoder: A decoder is the person who receives the message from the sender and decodes it to get the real meaning. Feedback: The receiver will give feedback as per his understanding of the message. Context: The  situation  in  which  your  message  is  delivered  is  the  context (Guffe and Loewy, 2010). Recommendations for the improvement of the Marks Spencer communication   To improve cultural communication between superiors subordinates, the following are the actions that can be taken: Implementation of more Intensive Information System: Technology plays an essential role in the activities of business, Therefore it is essential to improve the Information system of the organization by making sure that all of the employees will be connected to the latest updated communication system. It is also significant to focus on the various coaching and training procedures, where the recruits can apply for and get online class and seminars about different knowledge and skills, which will be supportive in order to fully motivate them to develop and improve, also leaders will have their thoughts about the demands and needs of the staff, which will be helpful in the process of implementing and planning programs and measures that will help to improve the motivation and spirit of the staff (Datamonitor Report, 2011). Focus more on the Culture influence on Communication: It is important for the company to stress on the variety of cultures, and how it can influence their communication. Therefore the below mentioned things can be done to enhance communication in cultural differences: Cross cultural training Intercultural management training Translation services (Miller, 2011) Measures that should be taken to have an effective Communication Plan Minimizing barriers to effective communication. Rendering proper communication an integral part of the overall plan. To bring out the untapped opportunities for improved communication, have effective systems in place. Conduct an assessment to evaluate the communication skills the retailer and find out areas which require polishing. Regular provision for training employees in improving their interpersonal skills communication skills and. Employ team in charge of the overall Communication of the company. Positive indicators that communication is more likely to be handled daily: Visible actions indicators A culture that endorses direct yet non-threatening dialogue in interpersonal relations. A culture that comprehends non-verbal communications (Aaker, 2007). CONCLUSION Thus it can be concluded that information is required by all stakeholder groups of an organization, though their information requirement varies. In Marks Spencer both internal as well as external communication exists. Internal communication exists within the business of the retail giant, whereas external communication is present outside the boundaries of business. The company has an interconnected system of internal communication- internal network, an e-commerce system for B2C connections and an e-commerce system for B2B connections. Marks Spencer also gives a lot of emphasis to cultural disparities and tries to comprehend plus eliminate all such gaps (Alon, 2000).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Perspectives on Fear :: Personal Narrative Writing

â€Å"At the University of California at Irvine, experiments in rats indicate that the brain’s hormonal reaction to fear can be inhibited, softening the formation of memories and the emotions they evoke† (Baard). Sometimes I have trouble sleeping. I lie in bed for hours while my mind churns through endless streams of fragmented thoughts and memories, bits of brain matter that I do not have time for in my waking life. I have tried the homeopathic remedies. I drink â€Å"calming† teas, take showers, and inhale scents advertised to promote sleep and relaxation. I even have a lavender neck pillow. Nevertheless, when I am inflicted with a bout of sleeplessness, there is usually very little I can do but wait it out. I stay away from sleep drugs. The streetlamp outside paints shapes across the wall next to my bed. I can see them in the darkness, dull orange lines that have become familiar in my many restless nights. At the heart of their canvas, they intersect to form a rectangle. A rectangle? For months I believed in this reality of form with the inborn certainty that accompanies that which is obvious. I didn’t have to think about it. Nightly, I would study the shape in a sleep haze, unconsciously harboring knowledge of its regularity. Except that it is not a rectangle. Two forty seven. Nearly three hours after my first attempt at sleep, I stared up at the wall and realized for the first time the distortion within the orange light. Where the lines connected to form the shape, the rectangle, were angles. Obtuse and acute, they had none of the symmetrical regularity that geometry dictates of a true rectangle. The outline on the wall was crooked, skewed, an imperfect representation of the form. I tend to think of my memories as shoeboxes, precise, neatly uniform components that stack tidily in the mind. Somehow I have trained myself to believe that in regularity and order I will uncover the diagram of my true self, a clear-cut explanation for all that I think, say, and do. But in sleepless nights I realize that even old recurring thoughts can be strangely misshapen, and I am thrown into a tailspin. My memories of experiencing fear seem contorted. Among the most vivid of my recollections, they stand out with their potent doses of color, emotion, and experience. They have been with me so long that I rarely question the nature of their composition.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Same Sex Marriage Essay -- Homosexuality, argumentative, persuasive

Many years ago one may have thought that marriage was just between a man and a woman but today that is not always the case. People of this era have now begun to exploring a new aspect of marriage, same sex marriage. Should two people of the same sex be allowed to marry? Throughout the years same sex couples have been pursuing the same rights as heterosexual couples. Since the 1970s homosexual couples have been trying climb this social ladder and gain their civil rights. They have been seeking the government recognition as a domestic partnership since the 1980’s. it wasn’t until the late 1990s when the state of California legalized domestic partnership but very few followed. This allowed extended rights to couples that weren’t married. But the couples’ partnership was only recognized in the state in which they were married. Gay and lesbian couples then began to seek recognition from the government through civil union. Even though it was still only recognized in the state in which the union was performed, civil union gave the unmarried couples even more extended rights. This was first passed by Vermont 2000 and yet again only a few followed. Homosexuals still felt that even though domestic partnerships and civil unions were major break troughs they were not marriage. Neither of domestic partnership nor civil union would have even contributed to the court cases of the Estate of Cooper and Dean v. District of Columbia. In the Estate of Cooper case of 1993, Cooper died and left his belongings to his ex-spouse. His present spouse sued hoping to inherit his belongings as a â€Å"surviving spouse†. The court denied his case and stated that a â€Å"surviving spouse† is considered only as a lawfully recognized husband or wife. In 1995, in the ... ...r marriage to be between one man and one woman, not between two men or two women. Same sex marriage is nothing but detestation. â€Å"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: They shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Letiviticus 20:13† Works Cited

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Rational models and self evaluation Essay -- essays research papers

My supervisor requested a self-evaluation in connection with an upcoming annual performance review, the self evaluation was meant to answer questions regarding A certain customer service decision and accommodations made by me that went beyond company standard operating procedure and protocols. Conio-caca Graphics Imaging Corporation ordered my team to perform a systems installation for a small publishing company in North Miami. The installation was to be performed according to company standards; first the hardware which included an image setter and then a â€Å"Mac Server† running OS 10 (Operating system version 10) followed by installing specialized software to interface with a desktop publishing application. Upon completing the installation of the software and hardware, the team and the customer found the software was not functioning which effectively meant the customer at that point was, â€Å"Out of Business†. PROBLEM DEFINITION The on-site Team defined the problem (Bazerman, Max H. Judgment in Managerial Decision Making, 5th edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2002), resolving; Apple Computer Corp. had shipped a machine to the customer with the very latest operating system on it which did not work with a standard desktop publishing application; it required a missing upgrade patch having a zipped (compressed) volume of about 80MB’s. Alternative1: After careful communication with my supervisor, I was ordered to tell the customer to order the upgrade patch on a CD direct fr...

Poem “Frankie and Johnnie” Essay

The speaker of the poem â€Å"Frankie and Johnnie† is telling the story of two people that were in a relationship, where Johnnie was cheating on Frankie, and then Frankie kills Johnnie. The poem starts out telling the readert he backstory of Frankie and Johnnie. The speaker says that â€Å"Frankie and Johnnie were lovers†¦They swore to be true to each other/ As true as the sky above;† (ll.1,3-4)Then it goes on to say that Frankie bought Johnnie a lot of nice, expensive things and gave him a lot, if not all, of her money for presumably no particular reason. After that, Frankie goes away to Memphis for some reason and when she comes back, she learns that Johnnie has been cheating on her this whole time. â€Å"[Frankie] Gave her money to Johnnie, /he spent it on those parlour whores;† (ll. 23-24). Then Frankie goes down to a bar and asks the bartender if Johnnie had been there. The bartender says he had and he had been with a girl name Nellie Bly. â€Å"She said â€Å"Oh, Mr. Bar-tender, / has my loving Johnnie been here? / He is my man and he’s done me wrong.†/†¦But I saw Johnnie an hour ago/with a girl named Nellie Bly;† (ll.28-30, 33-34). Frankie then goes to the pawn shop and bought a gun. â€Å"Frankie went to the hock-shop, /Bought her a big forty-four† (ll.36-37). She finds Johnnie at a local brothel with Nellie Bly and goes upstairs and shoots him. â€Å"Frankie went down to the hook-shop,/ †¦there she saw her Johnnie / loving up Nellie Bly/†¦Roota-toot-toot, three times she shoot† (ll.41, 43-44, 63) Frankie then goes on to tell everyone to bring a hearse and she would bury Johnnie, and then to call the police and lock her up for murder. â€Å"Bring out your rubber-tyred hack, / I’ll take my man to the graveyard, / but I won’t bring him back; /†¦ Bring round a hundred policemen, / bring ‘em round to-day, / and lock me in that jail-house† (ll.77-79, 86-88). But before the police come she goes and tries to apologize to Mrs. Halcome but she won’t accept it. Then Frankie goes to look at Johnnie in his casket and wishes she could trade places. â€Å"Looked down at his face, / Said, â€Å"Oh, Lord, have mercy on me, /I’d like to take his place;† (ll.107-109). Finally, Frankie goes to jail and then gets hanged for killing Johnnie. â€Å"The Sheriff took Frankie to the gallows, / Hung her until she died, / they hung her for killing Johnnie,† (ll. 121-123) There are a few cases of figurative language in this poem. â€Å"Lovers† (l. 1), â€Å"swore† (l. 2), â€Å"true† (l. 2), â€Å"gave† (l.8) are all positive words that make you believe that they have a good, healthy relationship. But words like â€Å"wrong† (l. 5), â€Å"shot† (l.39), â€Å"hurts† (l. 74), â€Å"hack† (l. 77), â€Å"hearses† (l. 81), â€Å"graveyard† (l.83), and â€Å"coffin† (l. 106) are all negative words that lead you to the conclusion of Johnnie’s death. The theme of the poem is that there are always consequences for mistakes that you make. Both Johnnie’s and Frankie’s punishment was death for what they had done. Even though most consequences aren’t this harsh, the author exaggerates this so he could prove his point. This poem is tied to the real world because this poem is based on a true story of a woman named Frankie Baker, who was a prostitute, and how she killed Allen Britt, who was her pimp. Over the years, the story has had its discrepancies and a lot of the facts have changed, but the overall message is the same.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Christmas Night at School

The issue presented for discussion is whether the state of Massachusetts can validly allow a â€Å"Christmas Night† event. For this event, the school is planning a theatrical production of the â€Å"Three Wise Men,† a presentation of several ‘Christmas songs’ and a grab-bag gift session, for which all students were asked to bring a gift costing between five and ten dollars. Steve and his parents do not celebrate Christmas, and have therefore asked the school to change the theme of the night to not be a â€Å"Christmas† night. The school has stated that the Christmas Night will go on as planned, but that Steve and his parents are invited to not attend if that makes them feel more comfortable. Weisman Ruling and State Law/Regulations Based on the present state of both federal and Massachusetts state law, the school will not be able to hold Christmas Night as planned. There are several reasons for this, most notably a relatively consistent line of United States Supreme Court cases which have held that any attempts by a state actor to sanction or sponsor an event which endorses or promotes a specific religion will be struck down as unconstitutional under the ‘Establishment Clause’ of the First Amendment to the Constitution. Weisman Ruling The most recent and pre-eminent case on point is Lee v. Weisman (505 U. S. 77 (1992)), which held that a Providence, Rhode Island middle school violated the Establishment Clause when it invited a rabbi to its commencement activities to give an invocation prayer to the student body and their parents. Upon objection by the parents of student Weisman to the invocation, the school districted defended its position as compliant with the Establishment Clause by virtue of the fact that participation in the invocation was completely voluntary and that there was no penalty for not participating. These facts are in many ways completely analogous to the matter of Steve’s â€Å"Christmas Night† at his school. Two keys areas of rationale by the Weisman court explain why the position of Steve’s school likelky will not pass muster. First, according to the Court, the option of not attending an event without penalty is not considered a viable and voluntary option. The Court places an intangible value on participating in certain events in a child’s educational life that not attending deprives one of. One of these certainly is the commencement exercise and, arguably, the school holiday festivities are another. While the Weisman court ruling is limited to the graduation exercise, it is reasonable that a student who is the only (or one of the only) student to not attend is being deprived the benefit of a valued experience that is being sponsored by the school. Secondly, the Weisman Court held that under, the ‘coercion test,’ which is the present standard for evaluating cases under the Establishment Clause, an event is unconstitutional even if it creates an indirect coercion. This means that a school can not authorize the practice of any particular religion. The Court rationed that â€Å"it is no part of the business of government to compose official prayers for any group of the American people to recite as a part of a religious program carried on by government† (505 U. S. 577, 588). Steve’s school is attempting to do exactly what the Weisman Court said it cannot do- create a school program which is composed of the prayers and messages of a specific religion. Massachusetts Law/Regulations This position is even further supported by the existing law in Massachusetts on the subject. The starting point for this analysis is the General Laws of Massachusetts, Chapter 71, Section 31A, which provides that the â€Å"school committee may set appropriate guidelines for the celebration of Christmas and other festivals observed as holidays for the purpose of furthering the educational, cultural and social experiences and development of children. † This statute does two things at the state level. First, it acknowledges the need and propriety for regulating the observance of Christmas (and other holidays). Second, it recognizes that school observance of religious holidays is of educational, cultural and social value to students. Massachusetts passed Regulation 603 in its Regulatory Code which contains a section (#26) on Access to Equal Educational Opportunity. The purpose of this section is to insure that Massachusetts public schools â€Å"do not discriminate against students on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin or sexual orientation and that all students have equal rights of access and equal enjoyment of the opportunities, advantages, privileges and courses of study at such schools† (603 CMR 26. 01). Further, these regulations impose requirements on the schools to insure that all students are treated equally: No school shall sponsor or participate in the organization of outside extra-curricular activities conducted at such school that restrict student participation on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin or sexual orientation (603 CMR 26. 07). Steve’s school is attempting to sponsor an event that will run directly counter to the mandate of the Regulation, especially 603 CMR 26. 07. The school will argue that Christmas Night is open to all to participate and that any restriction based on religion is on the part of the student’s family and not by the school. The Weisman Court ruled that to give the student the option of participating in a faith-based event which runs counter to his or her beliefs or to be excluded by virtue of a voluntary (and permitted) absence, and in so doing be deprived of the extra-curricular activity sponsored by the school, creates the indirect coercion and therefore violates the Establishment Clause. Writer’s Thoughts on the Issue This issue presents two sub-issues for discussion. The first is whether the laws and court cases are proper on their face and the second is whether justice is being served in this instance. Regarding the first the issue, it appears that the laws are generally consistent with our nation’s values and beliefs on the matter of separation of church and state. Our founding fathers fled their respective home countries often times in the face of severe religious oppression. Even on our soil, the Salem witch trials demonstrate the dangers of religious intolerance and regulation. One of the core values that Americans have always stood for is the individual right to practice faith and to be free from institutionalized religion. Thus, the default position of the law, which states that any adoption of a religion’s practices or dogma is a violation of our constitutional guarantee against the establishment of a religious or its practices, is well founded and consistent with our national values. With respect to the matter of ‘censoring’ Christmas however, the issue can get a little more muddled. Certainly, Christmas is a denominational holiday and certainly many of Christmas’ traditions and observances are very religious in their nature. However, Christmas above all other denominational holidays, has become quite Americanized since the middle of the 20th century. Many of the customs and traditions have no bearing at all on faith or theology or dogma. Many Americans when they say ‘merry Christmas’ are actually saying ‘happy holidays. ’ Most Americans when they hear ‘merry Christmas’ are actually hearing ‘happy holidays. ’ When left generic and without any of the religious or theological references, Christmas is one of the few events which actually has a unifying and pacifying effect on the nation. It would be a shame to lose out on this galvanizing and festive force. Analysis of Additional U. S. Supreme Court Cases Abington v. Schempp The landmark case regarding the establishment of religion in U. S. public schools is Abington Township School District v. Schempp (374 US 203 (1963)), which ruled that school sponsored Bible reading in public schools is unconstitutional. This Court ruled that the government, in matters of religion, must protect all, prefer none and disparage none. Neutrality was the only acceptable position for a state or federal government to pursue with respect to any expression of religion. In his concurring opinion, Justice William Brennan acknowledged that school prayer and Bible study was a significant feature of American life when the Constitution and Bill of Rights were ratified. However, Brennan noted that it was not in the nation’s best interest to seek to interpret the relevance of the Establishment Clause to modern society by applying the literal intent of the interpretation given to the Clause in the previous centuries. Wallace v. Jaffree In 1985 the United States Supreme Court, in Wallace v. Jaffree (472 U. S. 8 (1985)), found that Alabama’s practice of setting aside one minute during each day for silent prayer or meditation to be unconstitutional. The Court struck down the statute requiring the silent prayer because its purpose was to advance to religion and there was no significant secular purpose for the law. Further, the Court found that the statute placed prayer in favored status over non-prayer, which violates the Establishment Clause’s prohibition against endorsing belief over non-belief and worshippers over dissenters. Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe In a more recent case, Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe (530 U. S. 290 (2000)), the Court ruled that allowing student-led prayer during the schools sponsored football games is unconstitutional. While the school argued that the prayer was private and not public speech, the Court rationed that because of the fact that the prayer is led during the schools sponsored game, using school owned P. A. equipment and on School owned property, the listener will inevitably conclude that School has endorsed the prayer. Suggestions for a Modified Christmas Night. In order to be able to present a Christmas night, the school must effectively sanitize the event. First, the name should be changed to reflect a holiday season event, without reference to one or more particular religious holidays. Second the program should be expanded to include other cultural holidays. Third, the programs should endeavor to be educational in nature and not merely a celebration of one religion’s customs. Finally, the program should not include any aspects of a program’s dogma or theology (such as the Three Wise Men or the nativity scene). However, a Christmas tree (properly adorned) would be fine. Even these modifications might not be enough to prevent successful challenges by offended students and their parents. Conclusion The Supreme Court of the United States has, for the past 60-70 years, taken the position that any actions by Federal, state or local government which appears to or actually does promote one religion above another, or subjugates one below another, is invalid and unconstitutional. While the notion of a school Christmas Night does not seem to be nefarious by any means, it will impede on the rights citizens to not be indirectly coerced into participating in a religious event that is not part of their faith or beliefs.

Robert Gray

Composers often manipulate their chosen form of text to explore their concerns within the world. Throughout the poem The Late Ferry by Robert Gray the type of journey is seen to be long-term, emotional, confronting and challenging for individuals. Shaun Tan’s The Red Tree uses journey as being long-term, personal, confronting, emotional and mental. These are recognized by the usage of symbolism and metaphors. Robert Grays The Late Ferry contains a large amount of symbolism through the duration of the poem. The symbolism is what gives the audience an idea of what the journey itself is and what type of journey it may be.In the 1st stanza we see this symbolism as a mother watching her child leave her and enter the real world on their own â€Å"The late ferry is leaving now; I stay to watch from the balcony as it goes up onto the huge dark harbor†. This is exploring journey through the child leaving their mother and getting about on their own now, therefore for the child it is a journey of coming of age. Robert Gray can uncover journey to the audience by using light and darkness to juxtapose each other and showing what are the positive and negative times for the individual in this journey.The colour orange in stanza 4 is a symbolism for an element of hope. Hope that this individual will get used to be on their own and finding their way around through life â€Å"And out beyond the tomato stake patch of the yachts, with their orange lights† juxtaposed to the darkness symbolised in stanza 6 â€Å"the longer white feel nervously about in the blackness† this is also symbolic of a negative time as the person is nervous in a dark world trying to find the light to turn their world positive again.The technique shown in these quotes can be symbolism, juxtaposition and the re-occurring motif of the colour. This shows the audience when the journey can be great or when the journey can be tough. This is a way of Robert Gray showing his notion of journ ey in The Late Ferry. Shaun Tan and The Red Tree uses also uses symbolism and metaphors to create knowledge to the reader by clearly showing what journey they are on and what sort of journey it could be for the individual in the text.On the page where the girl is bottled up on a beach we can see what is happening in her life and why she is feeling this way. The writing on the page says, â€Å"no one understands† by it stating this and the picture of her to go with it we can see that the technique being used by Shaun Tan is social distance; she is distancing herself away from everyone, as no one understands her feelings she is going through. We feel as if she has been dehumanized and left to suffer, we show sympathy towards her.The notion of journey is being explored by Shaun Tan in this as we get so many emotions and right away we realise it is a personal, emotional journey. In The Red Tree we also explore journey through the image in frame 4, we are exposed to the idea that journeys can offer a change in perspective, ideals and behaviors. She is experiencing an inner emotional journey that is displayed through her being in a bottle and the message is on the shore instead of being in the bottle. This is represented through the dull colours- dark blue and black.These are symbolic of the type of journey she is on. We give empathy to this girl as we get the feeling that no one wants to talk to her and no one likes to her their emotions all bottled up. Through both the texts The Late Ferry and The Red Tree journey is explored and depicted by the usage of symbolism and colours. Although both composers are using the same techniques the type of journey is completely different to one another. Ultimately both composers clearly display in their text what is happening throughout the whole time of this experience for the individual.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Find a Great Astronomy Gift Idea

Find a Great Astronomy Gift Idea Astronomy gifts are some of the coolest ones around. There is a universe of ideas, ranging from books and gear to clothing and apps. Here are some suggestions for cosmic gift-giving any time of year. Astronomy Books Reading about astronomy is a great pleasure, whether its the latest news in a magazine or a book on a specific topic. There are amazing books on astronomy for all levels, from beginner and up. The article  Astronomy Books for All Ages offers find some good reads. The best reads allow someone to curl up and explore on a cloudy night and still learn something new about the cosmos. Good astronomy books help explorers of all ages learn about the sky and whats in it. Teresa Short/Getty Images Readers can learn about observational astronomy, with books that offer tips on the best ways to skygaze and photograph the stars. Or, for those who want to dig into the science behind the stars and galaxies, there are many books that explain in approachable language. Other works highlight the lives of famous astronomers, giving a good historical context for the work todays observers are doing. Some books are available in hard copy or electronic format, so you can choose the best way to deliver the cosmos to your intended giftee. Also, consider the two best magazines around:  Astronomy Magazine  at (a great subscription for every level of an observer), and, which offers products for both beginners and experienced observers.  Ã‚   Astronomy Apps Nearly everybody has access to a smartphone or phablet to a laptop and desktop computer, which opens up a raft of ideas for gifts. There are astronomy programs and apps for all the different devices, ranging in price from free to several hundred dollars. Also explore some of the best-known products, ranging from Stellarium and Cartes du Ciel (which are free) to apps that cost a few dollars, such as StarMap2, and others.  Apps have a great advantage because they are available on a smart device at the push of a tab. Online Astronomy Courses Astronomy courses via the Web are another good way to learn the subject. Users can go at their own speed, and in many cases, theyre learning from some of the top astronomers in the field. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for example, has made many of its courses available for anyone to use. Its Hands-On Astronomy course gives users a chance to learn from the best, at their own speed! NASA also has a series of podcasts that lets people explore Mars as Curiosity Rover does, one landscape at a time. There are many other delightful offerings online at the drop of a Google search for the term online astronomy courses. Telescopes Sooner or later, even the most patient star hoppers decide to magnify their view of the sky. Thats when they start thinking about telescopes. Its also when some serious money starts getting spent. If someone is ready for a telescope, its important to know what they want to observe. A telescope for planet-gazing might not be the same one theyd use for deep-sky objects. Or if telescope-buying is out of the question, consider getting a pair of binoculars first. Theyre like having a telescope for each eye, and people can also use them during the day for birdwatching and other activities. Also, look into  other good ideas about  cost-effective ways to indulge a love of skywatching. Every stargazer discovers what she or he needs to enjoy the sky. Take it easy and all good things will eventually come to you. Halfblue/Wikimedia Commons Share and Share Alike license. Stargazing Gear Stargazing exposes observers to cooler weather, no matter where they live. Even in warmer climates, evenings and early mornings can be cool and damp. So, its always good to have a sweater or jacket or raincoat handy. There isnt a stargazer alive who doesnt appreciate a sweater, jacket, or raincoat. Hats, gloves, and windbreaker, are also useful. Chemical hand warmer packs are a great stocking stuffer, along with a few energy bars to munch on during those long all-nighters. Star Party and Planetarium Visits Offering a trip to a star party is also a great gift for a friend or family member. Check out the local planetarium for a fascinating star show. Also, see if the local college or university offers public lectures in astronomy. These are all ways to give the gift of the cosmos!

Supriya Panjiyar Essays (1147 words) - Edward Snowden, Free Essays

Supriya Panjiyar Essays (1147 words) - Edward Snowden, Free Essays Supriya Panjiyar Professor Cherry English 1302-71016 21 October 2017 Snowden : Film Review Snowden starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Shailene Woodley is a movie written and directed by Oliver Stone. Released on 16 September 2016, it grossed $21,587,519 all over USA initially having an approximate budget of $40,000,000. According to IMDb "The script is based on the books The Snowden Files, The inside story of the World's Most Wanted Man by Luke Harding and Time of the Octopus by Antony Kucherena." The movie won the Satellite Award for Best Adapted Screenplay, Bavarian Film Awards and Camerimage for Main Competition. The movie was shot in 24 different locations including Munich, Bavaria, Germany (studio), Hawaii, Hong Kong and Russia. A. O.Sott mentions that"Oliver Stone's "Snowden," a quiet, crisply drawn portrait of the world's most celebrated whistle-blower, belongs to a curious subgenre of movies about very recent historical events." The fact that the events shown in the movie happened recently and that the actual Snowden is still living in Russia makes the viewer more excited and the expectation about the movie gets higher. The movie starts with Edward J. Snowden (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) meeting two journalists Laura Poitras (Melissa Leo) and Glenn Greenwald (Zachary Quinto) in an airport in Hong Kong. The three of them go to a hotel room in Hong Kong and the story of Snowden begins. There he reveals that the Government is spying not only on foreign adversaries but also on millions of Americans via their emails, texts and telephone calls. The story takes the audiences back and forth to Snowden's life. He being an excellent programmer decides to join the CIA and the National Security Agent after his career ends in United States Army Rangers. He meets Corbien O'Brian Rhys Ifans in the CIA. Corbien gets really impressed with Snowden's programming techniques and hires him as a CIA. In the movie Corbien O'Brian stresses "Bombs won't stop terrorism, brains will, and we don't have nearly enough of those. I'm gonna give you a shot, Snowden." (Snowden). Although Snowden had a weak physique he was a r eally good programmer and that is what get him into CIA. Meanwhile, he meets Lindsey Mills (Shailene Woodley) through a dating website, they gradually fall in love with each other. The work of Snowden requires him to move a lot. Lindsey moves with Snowden. As Snowden starts working for CIA and gradually for the NSA he begins to know a lot of secrets which a normal citizen wouldn't know. His work starts stressing him which also harms his relationship with Lindsey. After figuring out that the government is not only spying on the terrorists and hostile regimes but also on the allies and everyday citizens, Snowden starts getting paranoid and that fact haunts him everywhere. He feels that his country's security depends on his hands which gets him so stressful to the point that he starts having seizures from epilepsy. Snowden then finally makes a decision and leaves Hawaii to travel to Hong Kong, where he makes the big revelation of the Government's activities to the press. Joseph Gordon Levitt has given a full justice to his character portraying himself as Snowden. Anna Hornaday stresses that Joseph Gordon-Levitt "has mastered Snowden's flat, affectless way of speaking." Likewise Shailene Woodley who plays as Snowden's love interest, Lindsey Mills in the movie has done an excellent job too. Her acting in the movie gives the movie a warm and lively sensation which is a change to the movie which basically has a serious plotline. The supporting cast members Rhys Ifans and Nicholas Cage have given their best to the movie too. According to T.A Moreland "One of the small but important role is that of Patrick Haynes, a computer genius and a Black man, played by Keith Steinfeild. Haynes, who speaks seven languages, is described by a collegue as the smartest man in the agency. And this character shows that brilliant, nerdy tech come in all colors."(1). The movie does not feel like it is losing its pace in any part. It keeps the audience excited on what is going to happen next. The setting in the movie keeps changing since it has been shot in 24 different

Monday, October 21, 2019

20 Research Essay Topics Interesting Issues about the Profession of a Medical Assistant

20 Research Essay Topics Interesting Issues about the Profession of a Medical Assistant We are sure that you found our previous guide on 19 facts on the profession of a medical assistant for a research essay highly relevant and helpful as well as the next one dealing with how to properly research an essay on medical assistant. At this stage, your mind is probably full of interesting ideas for writing a research essay on the topic of medical assistant as a profession. In this second part of our guide you’ll find a plethora of topics which will ideally help you in choosing one for your essay. Here are 20 topics on the profession of a medical assistant for a research essay: The History of Medical Assistance in Medicine Career Growth/Advancement in Medical Assistance Why Medical Assistants Are Considered a Valuable Resource and Continually in Demand Why Medicine Students Prefer to Become Medical Assistants Why is Communications Training Important for Medical Assistants Why Are Medical Assistants Required to Learn Database Management as a Core Component of Study Why Are Medical Assistants Required to Have Office Management Training? Diversification in Medical Assistance Why Is it Easier For Medical Assistants to Go into Stable Careers Compared to other Field in Medicine? Why Should Medical Assistants Learn to Market Themselves? Why Is Medicine Termed a â€Å"Stressful Career Choice†? What Similar Occupations Can Medical Assistants Occupy in Order to Diversify Their Career Paths? Ethical Considerations for Medical Assistants Why Is Formal Training Not Necessary for Medical Assistants? What Is the Difference Between Patient Care and Medical Assistance? What Qualities Should a Medical Assistant Posses in Order to Excel in the Profession Why are Medical Assistants Not Licensed? What Sort of Formal Education Is Required or Preferred to Become a Medical Assistant? How is Technology Helping in Medical Assistance? Historical Trends in Medical Assistance These topics will surely help you nail that essay better, especially since your professor might be breathing down your neck as deadlines close in. Often students have all kinds of information at their fingertips but are unable to filter them properly, we are here to guide you every step of the way. You can choose from any one of the topics mentioned above, but what we really want you to do is have your own unique ideas while getting inspired by these topics. After all, our job is to help you think and organize your work better. Do write to us if you have any questions about a particular topic. So you’re armed with the research and have a few topics to fall back on. In the next part of the guide we’ll tell you how to put it all down in words to help you land in your professor’s good books. So head on over to the next part called how to do a research in an essay on medical assistant if you like. As promised, here is a sample essay: Sample Research Essay: Career Growth/Advancement in Medical Assistance It’s a well-known fact that almost all employers give preference to hiring graduates who have undergone formal training programs in medical assistance. These formal programs can be taken in post-secondary vocational schools, vocational-technical high schools, junior colleges and most universities. Courses under these formal programs train candidates in the field of medical terminology, physiology and anatomy. Other skills are also taught such as transcription, accounting, insurance processing, typing and record-keeping. Laboratory techniques are also taught to students such as pharmaceutical principles, diagnostic procedures, medication administration and first aid. Office practice, ethics, medical law and patient relationship is also deeply embedded in their curriculum. The practicum program is an accredited program which provides students practical experience in hospitals, healthcare facilities and physicians’ offices. If you’re looking for accredited medical assistance program, you should look into two agencies, namely the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) and the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). The former approved around 600 medical assistance programs in the year 2010 and similarly 400 were accredited by the latter. 19 programs in ophthalmic assistance were accredited by the Committee on Accreditation for Ophthalmic Medical Personnel. There are states which require that you take up an additional course or give a demonstration test before being allowed to practice, since there is no standardized license for medical assistance. Employers give preference to experienced workers and applicants who have the relevant certifications because they need to uphold a certain standard in their batch of medical assistants. The American Association of Medical Assistants gives award to the credentials of a Certified Medical Assistant. Similarly, registered medical assistants get accredited by the American Medical Technologists. Other awards associations which reward deserving and qualified medical assistants include the Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology and American Society of Pediatric Medical Assistants. In order to succeed, a medical assistant must be able to deal with the public in a well-groomed and courteous manner. It is the job of medical assistant to make patients feel safe while explaining all instructions in detail related to the physician practice.   It is their responsibility to put the patient’s mind at ease. In order to succeed as a medical assistant and help their institution grow, they need to have a command over visual tasks and manual dexterity. They also need to understand the importance of protecting medical information of a patient due to its sensitive nature; a sharp and alert medical assistant may save the medical institution thousands of dollars in lawsuit payouts because they’ll never let it come to that. If you are looking to have a career as a medical assistant, you’ll be glad to hear that through hard work, you can advance to an office management position and beyond. A medical assistant can also actively perform duties of an administrative support officer or give medical assisting lessons as a teacher. If you are able to further your education in medical science, you are eligible for other health and medicine occupations like medical technology or nursing. References: Brassington, C., Goretti, C. (2011). MA Notes: Medical Assistants Pocket Guide. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. Young-Adams, A. P., Proctor, D. B., Kinn, M. E. (2011). Kinns The medical assistant: An applied learning approach. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, Saunders. Bonewit-West, K., Hunt, S. A., Applegate, E. J. (n.d.). Todays Medical Assistant: Clinical Administrative Procedures. Booth, K. A., Whicker, L., Wyman, T. D. (2014). Medical assisting: Administrative and clinical procedures including anatomy and physiology. New York: McGraw-Hill. Medical Assistant Job Description. (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2016, from What Does a Medical Assistant Do? (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2016, from Linton, C. B. (2002). Medical abbreviations and acronyms. Boca Raton: BarCahrts.

Contemporary Motivation essays

Contemporary Motivation essays As Richard Johnston speaks I realize that he has come across a rare talent of not only immense and drastic amounts of creativity but also the ability to capture and enhance an area like no other artist I have taken interest in. Richard announces that he does not excel in catching realism; however all of his pieces are inspired by actual aspects of his life. I agree that the surroundings that inspire him with insights should and can be seen through the talent of his art. Mr. Johnston is clearly motivated by his experiences, ideas, and environment and there is truly a lot to be learned from his approach to art, his techniques, and finished product. Richard claims that he has an irresistible urge to make things. This however would not be possible if he could not find motivation for new sculptures. There is much to be learned from the motivation that this artist captures from his environment. For example, many companies around the U.S. are recognizing that much motivation can be gained from their environment, i.e. the workplace. I think that if we could convince CEOs of major businesses to understand that on-sight art exhibitions should exist, increased productivity would be an immediate result. In fact experts at Pinker and Damsio argue that the deepest thoughts that account for human behavior are unconscious and primarily visual. By utilizing sculptures like Mr. Johnstons in the grass outside an eating area or in the lobby, we would be forcing workers to stop and analyze the meaning, thus jump starting the creative sections of their brains. As is the case with many contemporary artists there is bound to be someone who does not appreciate their work. Richard Johnstons Untitled Horse is an example of a sculpture that holds true to this scripture. This piece ornamented the main quad at UVSC during 1990. Gilbert Cooke, an UVSC administrator, grew such distaste for the p ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Business Plan For Dog Business

Executive Summary The concept most strictly focused on when concerning this venture is animal quality. It is in confidence of this business that when customers assess the magnitude of quality and â€Å"know-how,† sales will increase and expansion is definitely a probability in the future. Exceptional service will be accomplished through informative advertising via internet, newspapers, various circulars, and customer follow-ups. Follow-ups will be performed by contacting clients after purchases. It is a certainty that this will be a major factor in building customer loyalty. Providing â€Å"post purchase† checkups will express to the customers our concern for providing superior animals. Financing this operation will require a business loan for $50,000. $25,000 of the owner’s personal cash will also be applied to provide this operation with a maximum opportunity. This cash/loan will provide ample funding for the startup costs of this business such as: kennel materials, building supplies, maintenance, medical supplies, food etc†¦ Since this business will be based from a home operation, the owner will be able to solely assess all changes required for business success. The owner will be able to decide what goals must be met in order to move towards efficiency and desired sales quotas. In order for effectiveness, it is a plus that one person comprise a majority of the work required for this owner with immediate feedback on animal condition, behavior, and health. This operation stresses the importance of animal care and upbringing. This all focuses on the business’s idea of high quality breeders and satisfied clientele. It is a certainty that under the provided expertise and care, customers will receive a loyal, quality animal that will provide for a successful operation in the years to come. Description of the Business The business of dog breeding has been around for cen... Free Essays on Business Plan For Dog Business Free Essays on Business Plan For Dog Business Executive Summary The concept most strictly focused on when concerning this venture is animal quality. It is in confidence of this business that when customers assess the magnitude of quality and â€Å"know-how,† sales will increase and expansion is definitely a probability in the future. Exceptional service will be accomplished through informative advertising via internet, newspapers, various circulars, and customer follow-ups. Follow-ups will be performed by contacting clients after purchases. It is a certainty that this will be a major factor in building customer loyalty. Providing â€Å"post purchase† checkups will express to the customers our concern for providing superior animals. Financing this operation will require a business loan for $50,000. $25,000 of the owner’s personal cash will also be applied to provide this operation with a maximum opportunity. This cash/loan will provide ample funding for the startup costs of this business such as: kennel materials, building supplies, maintenance, medical supplies, food etc†¦ Since this business will be based from a home operation, the owner will be able to solely assess all changes required for business success. The owner will be able to decide what goals must be met in order to move towards efficiency and desired sales quotas. In order for effectiveness, it is a plus that one person comprise a majority of the work required for this owner with immediate feedback on animal condition, behavior, and health. This operation stresses the importance of animal care and upbringing. This all focuses on the business’s idea of high quality breeders and satisfied clientele. It is a certainty that under the provided expertise and care, customers will receive a loyal, quality animal that will provide for a successful operation in the years to come. Description of the Business The business of dog breeding has been around for cen...

A Guide to Italian Pronunciation for Beginners

A Guide to Italian Pronunciation for Beginners Italian pronunciation might pose some difficulties for the beginner. Yet it is very regular, and once the rules are understood it is easy to pronounce each word correctly. Knowing where to put the correct stress or how to have proper inflection and intonation can help you come closer to understanding Italian. Most important, to improve your Italian, fare la pratica con la bocca (exercise your mouth)! The Italian ABCs Twenty-one letters  are all it takes to produce the sweet, lyrical language affectionately called la bella lingua (the beautiful language). Using the Roman alphabet and with the addition of acute and grave accents, native Italian speakers are able to argue passionately about the favorite soccer team, discuss the latest elections, or order gnocchi genovese while sounding like characters in a Verdi opera. What happened to the other five letters that are common in other language using the Roman alphabet? Theyre found in foreign words that have infiltrated Italian and are pronounced approximately as they are in the original language. Pronouncing Consonants Most Italian consonants are similar in pronunciation to their English counterparts; the consonants c and g are the only exceptions because they vary according the letters that follow them. In Italian, double consonants are pronounced much more forcefully than single consonants. Although it may not be obvious at first, a trained ear will notice the difference. Make it a point to listen to native speakers pronounce these words. Common single and double consonant words in Italian include cane (dog) / canne (canes), casa (house) / cassa (trunk), papa (pope) / pappa (bread soup), and sera (evening) / serra (greenhouse). Pronouncing Vowels Italian vowels are short, clear cut, and are never drawn out- the glide with which English vowels frequently end should be avoided. It should be noted that a, i, and u are always pronounced the same way; e and o, on the other hand, have an open and a closed sound that may vary from one part of Italy to the other. Pronouncing Italian Words For help in spelling and pronouncing words in Italian, heres a simple rule: What you hear is what you get. Italian is a phonetic language, which means most words are pronounced as they are written. The Italian words cane, mane, and pane will always rhyme (compare the English triplet chalice, police, and lice, and you will see that youve got it easy). Another point to keep in mind is enunciation. Native Italian speakers open their mouths wide- not just to shout, but to get those big, round, vowel sounds. For example, if you want to pronounce the Italian letter a, just open wide and say aahh! Practicing Italian Pronunciation If you want to learn how to prepare bruschetta or bistecca alla fiorentina, you can read a cookbook- but your guests will remain hungry. You have to get in the kitchen, fire up the grill, and start slicing and dicing. Likewise, if you want to speak Italian with the correct rhythm, tone, and intonation, you have to talk. And talk and talk and talk until your mouth  is numb and your brain hurts. So make it a point to listen and repeat Italian- whether you purchase a CD or listen to an Italian podcast, watch Italian TV on your computer via broadband, or visit Italy- because you cant eat a description of minestrone alla milanese, and you cant speak Italian without opening your mouth

Saturday, October 19, 2019

DPP Assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

DPP 2 - Assignment Example The document has about 3000 words excluding the appendices with the following subsections: This report is going to analyse my competencies and skills acquired from my postgraduate academic studies and its applicability to the workplace environment. I decided to pursue postgraduate studies to further my studies and advance my intellectual and cognitive skills together with particular techniques relevant to a business environment and a managerial level position. After my postgraduate studies, I plan to join the corporate world and at the same time continue pursuing my PhD. PDP is extremely imperative because it can help you develop and enhance the skills that you already possess or those skills that you require to enable you to be responsible for your personal learning, development and advancing into the corporate world. In addition, the types of jobs that majority of graduates want demand that they possess some skills and qualities that can support them in discharging their duties at their places of work. This is where PDP plays a great role in nurturing and helping them acquire and enhance their skills. PDP either was introduce into the institutions of higher learning to enable students plan their long-term and short-term goals and determine the means of achieving them through planned and structured ways. PDP also helps to reflect back on your personal achievements and learning to help plan your path of career (Cottrell, 2003). Finally, through my PDP, I have realized that I have strengths that I need to work on and enhance if I am going to be recognized as an asset at my work environment. Through my project management, I realized that I have such strengths as: I am a positive thinker, plays management role when in a team like leadership, communication recognized through well coordination of my SDG, explorative through research, team builder, and critical thinker and reflective realized through my term and

The Theory of Management Fashion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Theory of Management Fashion - Essay Example The essay "The Theory of Management Fashion" concerns the theory of fashion management. In view of this, the theory of management fashion states that management fashion is in principal a cultural happening structured by the rule of rationality. This means that the management must be perceived to be always looking for perfection. The primary belief in management is that over a given span of time, a particular management fashion will be out of trend, and a newer one will replace it. Based on this school of thought, certain management fashions last for a short time while other stay for a long period and attain widespread acceptance. In various management segments, several successions of management creativity are seen whereby as one goes out of trend and declines in popularity, the trendsetter initiates a novel innovation, thus resulting into a graphical representation of the trend as a rising and declining curve.Management fashion has been studied over the years through an examination o f two comparable life patterns. The first parallel is the discourse life pattern, which is an approach employed to study the volume as well as the natural world of disclosure concerning a particular trend over time. It employs bibliographic and subject matter breakdown, separating the assorted forms of discourse such as the Internet, business book, journal and magazines as well as the mass media. The dissemination life cycle is the second parallel. This strategy is employed to determine the level. to which management creativity is taken up by organizations, which follow fashion and the extent of use over a given period. Based on the innovation form and type, the analysis can be executed through case study surveys or the scrutiny of secondary facts such a sales figures and services supplies among other market indicators. Literature review Across generations, social science scholars have been captivated by fashion and fads. However, it is only recently that theories and schools studyi ng these two aspects in management emerged with scholars like Abrahamson (1996) pioneering in the field of study in addition to other scholars like Fairchild (1999) following suit. These scholars and their studies among others attend to the hype centered on organizational management models and tools namely knowledge management and quality circles among others (Herzhoff 2010). In view of this, four themes have been identified which are applicable to the study of management fashion. Fads and fashion in academic research There has been a divergence in view points concerning management fashion with scholars like Cole (1999) observing management fashion studies as an expensive pastime while Abrahamson (1996) acknowledges the importance of examining fashion, claiming that publicized themes of management should not just be disregarded. In view of this, other scholars like Collins (2000), support Abrahamson’s viewpoint. Abrahamson, who is a supporter of the management fashion theory, contends that philosophers and academicians ought not to be indifferent to trends, since they are not only restricted to aesthetics. Abrahamson (1996), further states that there exist two clear differences between trends and aesthetics. Trends in aesthetics necessitate only to be recent and attractive, whereas trends in management need to be not only logic but also progressive. Secondly, the demand for aesthetic fashion is influenced by social

Friday, October 18, 2019

Impact of Technology on Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Impact of Technology on Education - Essay Example The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) in US lays an added emphasis1 on the use of technology for the betterment of the sector. Information Technology is the all important offspring of Technology having its footprints on the way education is imparted or educational material is prepared or education is accepted by the intended audience. Taking care of this fact, the Campus Computing Project (CCP) happens to be one of the largest continuing study programme about the role of IT in American higher education. As internet is gradually maturing and presenting a paradigm shift in its very ideation, the infrastructure has acquired a business character, a transcontinental personality and a vending framework of wide-ranging, business, educational, scientific and personal data. Now the use of internet covers real-time computer conferencing, audio broadcasting, video broadcasting, real time telephony and of course real-time business. Education too takes a leaf out of such applications and has been able to make good use of internet and related technologies. There is increasing participation of private and public sector together with government in making technology available to different aspects of educational needs. Apple Inc. a leading company using technology and computing for its business objectives, for example has partnered in many education related schemes like; Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT), North Central Regional Education Laboratory (NCREL), International Data Corporation (IDC) etc . which helped not only in encouraging the use of technology in education, but also made fullest use of technology in promoting the cause of education. In his famous taxonomy, Bloom (1964) identified the domains within which learning takes place. He labelled them as cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Traditionally, the concentration has been on the cognitive domain with comprehension, facts and figures acquiring the centre stage. But with technology making its impact, information society made it almost compulsory for the education providers to bring into effect, adequate amendments in their approach so that the learning process becomes far more interactive and effective. In this new approach role of student as well as the means of education became more important. In fact this theory too has been in practice for quite a while now, as is evident from what Rogers (1961) said about the learning process. Rogers (1961) stated that the only learning that significantly influences human behavior happens to be self-discovered. The IT era has helped in making the learning process more interactive, and more relevant to the fast pace developm ent of the day. Education for sustainable development therefore focuses more on how people live, work and make decisions. The learning process in general involves; Learning values and cultures: Such an education is imparted by the parents and the society in general. How the parents behave, what are the means of communication used by the parents, how effectively the parents are able to manage their time and efforts towards the children, and what kind of social upbringing is the child subjected to, are some of the major contributors towards the value education. The ethics and cultures too are picked by the students from his/ her

Warfare about Product Life Cycle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Warfare about Product Life Cycle - Essay Example Meaning and Concept of marketing Warfare The term ‘Warfare’ is often used within the marketing, which can also be reflected in the different crucial strategies of marketing. The literary meaning of Warfare is related with the strategies and tactics used by armed forces at the time of war for the purpose of getting victory over its enemies. The term warfare represents some of the crucial and aggressive strategies implied for the purpose of countering some crucial competition provided by the competitors and enemies at the time of war. In direction to this, the disposition of warfare can also be aligned with the marketing activities undertaken by the business organization (Roney 2004). The implication of different crucial Wartime strategies and tactics in the marketing for the purpose of countering some crucial and intensive competition provided by competitors is known as marketing warfare. Marketing Warfare includes different strategies and tactics implied by the originati on for the purpose of establishing compatibility within business and warfare. Moreover, it also opens a window for the effective application of different principles of military strategy in the business situations, so that an effective solution of intensive competition prevailing within the market place. As in contemporary scenario, the nature and disposition of business environment has been changed quite significantly. Due to heavy competition, market place have become a battle field in which, different competitors are fighting for saving their existence in this tough business environment (Orcullo 2008). In context to this, for the purpose of winning this battle, like war, business organizations are required to... This paper tresses that Product Life Cycle is one of the major concepts in the field of marketing, which will be quite helpful for the business organization in formulating some of the crucial strategic objective. In direction to this, the paper has shaded some of the crucial lights over marketing warfare regarding different stages of product development. On the basis of the in-depth review of different findings, it can be concluded that product life cycle of a product reveals different stage right from its introduction to its decline. In different stages there are different conditions and situations can be faced by the business organization. For the purpose of being successful within the existing market place, it becomes quire essential for the management of the organization to undertake some of the crucial strategic steps in the context of addressing different type of external environmental problems and issues. This report makes a conclusion that there is different warfare marketing strategies associated with the different stages of product life cycle. In relation to this, such different warfare allows the organization to have long term success and sustainability within existing market place. For a business organization it is quite essential to understand and elaborate such crucial strategic measures so that desired success can be attained in the most effective manner. Right selection of strategies at the right time of time is the key of success for the organization and above discussed warfare about PLC allows the organizations to do so effectively and efficiently.

Stylistic analysis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Stylistic analysis - Coursework Example In his column for Time Magazine (Krauthammer â€Å"Dignity†), written shortly after the memorial was opened, Krauthammer supported the decision to eschew the desires of many disability advocates and in a prominent sculpture, cover FDR’s wheelchair. Typical of Krauthammer’s writing style, he took the issue and transformed it into a scathing criticism of contemporary politicians’ penchant for self-exposure. This is something Krauthammer does often in his polemic style of writing: he starts out discussing one topic and adeptly switches it to another to effectively make his point, with wit and plenty of logic. A review of his most recent columns, published in The Washington Post and in 200 other newspapers and media outlets, demonstrates this technique. In another of his columns about the FDR memorial, for example, he starts off by talking about the movie â€Å"Pearl Harbor,† which he calls â€Å"an engagingly ramshackle mess of comical improbabilities, 40s clichà ©s and dialogue so corny it must have been (was it?) deliberate† (Krauthammer â€Å"Campaign†). Krauthammer then uses a scene in the movie, which has President Roosevelt uncharacteristically open about his disability, to illustrate how both the movie and the memorial went against Roosevelt’s wishes to conceal his disabilities. It is an effective tool, one made more powerful when the reader remembers that the one using the tool is also a user of a wheelchair, and most likely holds the same opinions about disability as FDR did. While Krauthammer has never gone on the record expressing those opinions, his behavior and dignity would seem to support it. Krauthammer’s disability occurred when he was a first-year medical student at Harvard University, in a diving accident. In spite of this, he graduated with his class in 1975 and went on to a successful medical practice, with a wide range of publications in his field of psychiatry

One Of The Hong Kong Listed Property Companies Invites Your Research Essay

One Of The Hong Kong Listed Property Companies Invites Your Research Institute To Formulate A Research Proposal To Them - Essay Example Hong Kong well illustrates patterns of a distinct Asian business model that has resulted in the growth and influence of large gargantuan business enterprises. The Hong Kong housing market is dominated by a hand full of these large companies that include Cheung Kong, Henderson Land, and SHK PPT among others. The growth of Cheung Kong, for example, underscores specific ways of pursuing business and industrial growth based on certain Asian principles and management styles. These styles project paternalistic family control and trust and the respectful acceptance of authority. Pyramid structures of benefit permeate the leadership hierarchy of these Asian firms along with family cross-shareholdings of subsidiary companies. Hong Kong’s rapid economic growth is described by Xiabin et al (2004) as a period of economic restructuring that has seen the country evolve from a manufacturing center to a business, commerce and finance center, with most of its working force moving into the serv ice industries. Influenced by processes of economic liberalisation, globalization, and government downsizing, the restructuring has resulted in a net rise of the middle-income population of Hong Kong, but since 1971 there has been a profound drop in the sharing of income by the bottom households while the income of the top 30% has shown a continual increase in income share (pp. 447-451). The authors note "there has been a steady exacerbation of income inequality in Hong Kong over the past 35 years" (p. 452) and, "There is no evidence of wealth trickling down from the top to the bottom" (p. 457). Nor have adequate services been expanded for the bottom poor. Xiabin et al (2004) emphasize the unsympathetic government policy of minimum intervention as a major factor in the ongoing policy of inequality. Resources provided for social welfare are sparse in comparison to resources for the more favored private sector. The authors propose the government avoids policies ameliorating income ine quality in order to maintain "business-friendly" policies toward private interests and avoid a "dependency culture" that would discourage unemployed people from working and affect economic growth in negative ways. Despite a sterling economic growth that has made it one of world's largest centers of concentrated among the world's wealthiest economies, Hong Kong demonstrates the highest degree of economic disparity among its seven million citizens. The United Nations report Hong Kong as having the highest Gini coefficient of 43.4, a measure of economic disparity between the rich in the poor, among all Asian cities (Oxfram). As of September, 2010, 10.2% of working families were living in poverty in Hong Kong (Oxfram). The Hong Kong Council of Social Service reported recently, October, 2010, that 1.26 million of the 7 million citizens were living in poverty, nearly one/fifth of the population (Wong, 2010). The contrast stands stark and grim where three million of seven million citizens live in public housing. Under current public policy, the gap between rich and poor in Hong Kong is steadily increasing. In 1997, The Canadian Magazine Maclean's highlighted the nearly 100,000 Hong Kong displaced workers living in the small spaces or "cages" where larger spaces are divided into small cubicles with wire (Wood, 1997). Web blogs and YouTube videos today provide stark

Ethics Related Information Management System Essay

Ethics Related Information Management System - Essay Example It is paramount to understand, manage and maintain highly diverse values in the school operation so as to the issues of ethics highly accessible and understandable for all. Much of contemporary literature concerning information management ethics is not directed toward the actual benefits of managers and leaders of the school institution (the people who are primarily responsible ethic management in the school community), but it is a domain for all parties involved both managers and students. Lack of primary information is not the mistake of the academics, social critics or philosophers, (Bynum and Rogerson). This challenge is the result of insufficient involvement managers and leaders in the literature and discussion about school ethics. All the leaders and managers school must participate to assist address the ethical issues. The socialization process and the environment to which learners and the entire school community are exposed remain critical factors that determine the character building and academic success. Every school environment critically contributes to the information system of the school and the general shaping of the ethical values of both the student and teachers before joining the labour market. Effectiveness of ethics and its contribution help in shaping the moral values of the school community. Ethics deal with the people’s moral actions. Mainly school ethics apply to teachers, students, the school board and administrators. In each case, a conduct of conduct is established form within the school institution, via the professional, organization. This code of ethics provides ethical standards that regulate the behavior of the people associated with and how they are supposed to relate with others in the decision-making process and working. It also helps in management of the information system of school. Ethical codes outline the outcomes for the parties that do not follow the school ethic policies concerning the handling of the school vital information, examinations, school records and other relevant information. The ethics are designed to develop an atmosphere of honesty, exemplary citizenship and trust in relation to students the ethics are based on student showing respect for the administrators, teachers, parents, school non-teaching staff and other students. In addition, the ethics require that students should respect the program of the school, facilities and the school information, as well. Ethics guard about plagiarism among the students, they are required by law to submit for marking their own unique work and be ready to face the consequences and punishment such as expulsion, suspension or other related administrative actions if they plagiarize their work. Administrators and teachers are ethically guided through the institutional and professional, ethical codes. The law demands them to establish a learning atmosphere that promotes high ethical standards for learners through instruction and modeling. In addition , the administrators and teachers must provide a safe learning condition where all students have equal educational opportunities and are able to attain success. Ethic demands that educators should show high ethical standards when conveying some information concerning the school or communicating with the peers, students, parents and other party’

Thursday, October 17, 2019

About indentifying the most significant issues facing cities in the Essay

About indentifying the most significant issues facing cities in the 21st century and discuss some possible solutions .. 600 word - Essay Example Some of the major causes of air pollution include fossil fuels from power-generating stations, factories, release of hydrocarbons from petroleum refineries, radioactive fallout, pesticides and insecticides, and mining operations. Pimentel states, â€Å"Air pollution from smoke and various chemicals kills 3 million people a year†. Some of the effects of air pollution on heath include eyes and throat infections, pneumonia, heart diseases, lung cancer, and skin problems. Air pollution can be reduced using some effective ways. Some of those ways include using electric heaters instead of coal heaters, using solar cars instead of fuel-powered cars, and closing the doors for almost half an hour after using pesticides and insecticides. Water pollution is another type of environmental pollution that causes adverse effects on the health of humans, plants, and animals if not treated properly. Some of the major sources of water pollution include industrial waste, inorganic substances like chemical waste, water storage tanks, and hazardous waste sites. If the concerned authorities take no proper sanitation measures, water contamination can put adverse effects on the health of marine and human life. Some of the effects on humans include different kinds of bacterial, viral, and protozoal infections. Some diseases like typhoid, paratyphoid fever, Cholera, dental carries, and hepatitis are closely associated with water pollution. Water pollution can be treated using many ways. Some of those ways include creating awareness among people regarding harms associated with water pollution and developing proper sanitary systems. Soil pollution is the third type of environmental pollution, which causes adverse effects on the health of living creatures. One of the major sources of soil pollution is the chemical processes, which are used to take out the minerals

Discuss how variation within the human genome might lead to cancer Essay

Discuss how variation within the human genome might lead to cancer - Essay Example These tumor cells are eventually able to invade neighboring tissue and spread further to other tissues via metastasis. Cancer begins after one cell undergoes one gene variation after another, until these collectively transform normal cells to uncontrollably dividing cancerous cells. Current research identifies the mutations that lead to cancer as occurring in two general genes; the proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, which normally accelerate and inhibit growth and division of cells respectively (Wong et al, 2011: p429). As a result, gene variations that over-activate proto-oncogenes and inhibit tumor suppressor genes drive the development of transformed cancer cells. These gene variants responsible for maintaining this transformed cancer phenotype are then selected for during tumorigenesis, causing cancer. Genetic instability has been identified as a fundamental hallmark of all cancerous cells. Genetic instability, in this case, is referent to increased frequency of genomic mutations. According to Almendro et al (2013: p283), this genetic instability can be seen at both the chromosomal level leading to deletions, translocations, amplifications, and aneuploidy of the entire chromosome, as well as at nucleotide level leading to point mutations. The two manifestations of genetic instability can result in an increase of mutation rates in cancerous cells through the alteration of protein function or expression. In the past five years, the most prevalent debate has been about whether changes to single nucleotides or abnormalities related to large macromolecular chromosomes tend to be more common in human cancer, as well as whether they are a causative factor in development of cancer (Almendro et al, 2013: p283). Alteration in chromosome number, also referred to as aneuploidy, is a critical characteristic of any cancers and is, in fact, one of the genetic alterations most observed in human cancers. Specific exchanges of chromosomes have been found to

Ted Bedley & Constructivism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ted Bedley & Constructivism - Assignment Example HAs the paper outlines, based on the constructivist checklist, one can conclude that Bedley is able to meet the requirements of a constructivist teacher. Multiple perspectives were achieved by grouping the students and encouraging them to discuss among themselves about reaching a consensus. Every student is given a chance to give his opinions and suggestions. Student-directed goals are clear from the start, with Bedley acting as the coach. The activity that Bedley initiated, particularly the group discussion is a venue for knowledge construction and collaboration. Alternative viewpoints are reached through the small group discussions and through the class discussion. According to Jonassen, â€Å"constructivist learning environments emphasize authentic tasks in a meaningful context rather than abstract instruction out of context†. This characteristic is definitely present in Bedley’s class. He emphasized that each student is to perform a task but still work within the group. Constructivism emphasizes a learning method that is active and not passive. Obviously, Bedley’s style of teaching is active. The students are able to have new learning experiences which they incorporate with their previous understandings of the topic on consensus. They come up with possible rewards if consensus is reached by the class. Clearly, one can conclude the Bedley’s manner of teaching is one of constructivism.

TMAN Term Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

TMAN Term Paper - Essay Example re support for open architecture-server based platform; support for open OS like Linux, inter-operability with legacy and multi vendors over open standards; VoIP support (H323, SIP) and integration of converged applications like UMS.† (Gold book: Technology options, 2003, para.2). Coming to its disadvantages, it is slow and is uneconomical and could be difficult to use in regions where barriers are present. The use of EPABX could be severally compromised when noise and lack of clarity could result in it becoming a non entity and over long distance telephony which is as expensive as unfriendly. Before taking up the aspect of upgrading conventional telephone systems, it is necessary to define and understand what a unified communication system really means. It is the integration of real-time communication services like instant messages (chat), presenting information, IP Telephony, video conferencing, speech recognition and dealing with unified systems like voicemail, e-mail, SMS, facsimile machines. Rather than being seen as a single product, unified communication system refers to a group of products and services which is aimed at achieving consistency in unifying and also in the improved user interfacing. A unified communication system can be gainfully employed in the business process integration. Thus, the main aspects of UC would be to dispense with laborious and time consuming PBX models and have an integrated, electronic state-of-the-art computer based telephony system that could address modern aspects of speed, efficiency and real time use of modern Electronic Communication Systems. What UCS seeks to achieve is in terms of dramatic cost savings, reduction in time and labor and quick and speedy telecommunication systems, not only within the enterprise but outside it. Under such systems, it is possible to communicate effortlessly and speedily with employees and vendors, situated in far off contract work sites or in distant places in different parts of the